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Sneaker Balls frischer Wind in Sportschuhen vertreiben lästige Gerüche Sneaker Balls frischer Wind in Sportschuhen vertreiben lästige Gerüche
Sneaker Balls frischer Wind in Sportschuhen vertreiben lästige Gerüche
Sneaker Refresher Basketballs
Sneaker, gym bag or locker freshener
8.00 CHF   Set
14.90 CHF   Set
8.1% IVA incl. | più spese di invio
Codice 60400
pronto per l'invio 1-2 giorni lavorativi 1-2 giorni lavorativi
Quantità Set

Sneaker Basketball Refresher
Sneaker Balls aren’t like any other air fresheners. They’re smaller, tougher and rounder. Why? Because they have to work in nasty little places where other air fresheners don’t fit. They are the only air fresheners with the moxie to tackle the inside of a sneaker, gym bag or locker – where the ugly stuff grows! Sneaker Balls also work in cars, clothes hampers, diaper bags or anywhere that odors are a problem. The scent lasts for 3 months.

Parole Chiave:
sneaker  sportball  schuh  deo  sneakerballs  schuhe  sportball-shoe  deo 

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